New churches that choose to be a part of the SMC are eligible to apply for a matching grant up to $50,000. The Multiplication Matching Grant exists to encourage and empower SMC churches and leaders to multiply churches. Grants are provided to selected new initiatives based on their proposed plans, and the availability of funds. Multiplication Grants are for the express purpose of reaching new groups of people with the gospel and organizing them into new missional churches.  Initiatives which are seeking funding should be working among the unchurched (and dechurched) people to establish a new church.

Parent Affiliated New Church – These are emerging churches that are initiated by local church leaders and find their affiliation to a Society of the SMC. The parent Society is responsible for the leadership, mission, doctrinal adherence, conduct, and maturation of these emerging churches. The goal of these emerging churches could be to become their own Societies or remain as campuses, venues, or multi-site locations of the parent Society. Parent Affiliated New Churches may apply for a matching grant of up to $25,000.

Conference Affiliated New Churches – These are emerging churches that are initiated by or in concert with the parenting efforts of the SMC and are affiliated to the SMC church multiplication incubator, Mission Igniter. Conference Affiliated New Churches may apply for a matching grant of up to $50,000.


A Free Methodist leader with a vision for a new apostolic initiative must develop a multiplication plan.  Parent Affiliated initiatives should be developed in collaboration with the leadership of the Parent Church.  Conference Affiliated initiatives should develop their plan in collaboration with Mission Igniter. Multiplication plans should follow the standard template and should demonstrate a thorough design for launching and growing a new church reaching new people. Special attention should be given to how the new work plans to move to sustainability or whether the plan will be a missional outpost. The plan should clearly outline the ‘Church Multiplication Model’ which will be utilized and must identify the leadership structure.  Parent Affiliated apostolic initiatives must have their plans approved by their local church board before requesting funds from SMC.

In addition to the standard plan, Parent Affiliated initiatives must determine and explain in their plan how they will handle three key important areas.  

  1. Assessments - Character and competency of the pastor leading their apostolic initiative.

  2. Training – What training is necessary and what is the plan to provide this training,  

  3. Coaching – Every church planter needs a coach. Mission Igniter is available as a resource for Parent Affiliated initiatives and for assessments, training and coaching or a customized plan may be developed by the parent church. 

Contact Erick Ewaskowitz to get started with a plan coaching relationship and receive assistance in developing your proposal. Completed Grant Proposals should be submitted to Erick. 

Multiplication Grant requests are submitted to Erick Ewaskowitz and distributed to the SMC Executive Team for review. The SMC Multiplication Director (or a member of the executive team) may provide feedback and recommendations for adjustments to the plan. The Executive Team will submit the grant application to the Grant Committee.  


The Grant Committee will review the request and schedule an interview/presentation with the leader submitting the grant to happen within six weeks of receiving the request. The leader(s) making the request will have 15 minutes to present his/her vision and plan and will field questions from the committee. If a proposal is for a Parent Affiliated initiative, the lead pastor of the sponsoring church is required to participate.  


The committee may approve a grant, reject the grant, or ask that certain adjustments or additions are made to the proposal. The Grant committee will inform the applicant of their determination within one week of the interview/presentation.  

The committee will determine the size of the awarded grants up to the full amount requested with the maximum amount of:  

  • $50,000 for Conference Affiliated initiatives  

  • $25,000 for Parent Affiliated initiatives  

The size of the initiative and its potential impact will be taken into consideration when awarding grants.  

The committee is tasked with vetting the plan as well as providing matching grant funding to quality plans appropriate/proportionate to the potential kingdom impact an apostolic initiative anticipates having. The determination of the committee is sent to the Superintendent to be approved before funding is disbursed.  


The grant program is a MATCHING grant so initial funding must be raised to be matched. Fundraising coaching is available through Mission Igniter. Grants over $2,000 will be paid out in increments (determined in collaboration with SMC executive committee). The Apostolic Initiative must provide status reports at least quarterly for finances, people growth, and how their initial plan is being implemented and/or adjusted. These reports will be arranged with a certified church planting coach and will be made monthly for the first 8 months of the plan and every 3 months after that.