Mission Igniter is passionate about helping churches like yours develop an effective ministry model which builds on your physical ministry by helping it grow and multiply digitally. This blend of physical and digital ministry – phygital – is not a replacement of community, but a birth of a new kind of community. Phygital ministry uses technology as a tool to complement the mission of the church in both the physical and digital realms – to grow across multiple contexts, and to multiply everywhere that people gather, online or in person. Phygital Church is an opportunity to complement your church’s mission, vision, and strategy. It is a timely tool designed to help your church thrive, grow, and multiply. Here's what you can expect:
How to Develop a Strategic Multiplication Plan
How to Build Community: Content & Engagement Tools
How to Discipleship & Care for People Online
Digital Team Building
Internet Safety & Professional Boundaries
Membership and Church Accountability
How to Measure Online Attendance & Growth
This cohort meets weekly beginning January 12 for eight sessions, concluding March 9, 2022 (no meeting on Feb. 16).